The year was 2013

This past year, like many before it, had it’s ups and downs. It was certainly a struggle to get through certain days, but I am proud to say that things are improving for the better.

It was a year of loves, loss, and plenty of laughter.

A year full of road trips, concerts, kittens, hugs and beer.

I find myself struggling to put words together for this blog post, so I thought I would say it with pictures. (And a few words)

Grandpa's 90th Birthday

Kick things off in February in Winnipeg for Grandpa’s 90th birthday!

Mumford and SonsMumford and Sons at Holland Park in Surrey with Katie in May… (You will sense a theme here)

Relay for Life

Being on the organizing committee for the 2013 Relay for Life. It was a ton of work, but so rewarding. Looking forward to 2014.

Pizza on the Farm

Outdoor Pizza with Madison and Hilary at Birds Eye Cove Farm in June.

Cuddle Puddle

Kitten Cuddle Puddle… here is five of the eight fosters I had for six weeks in June/July.

BuddiesPickles and Ringo were buddies… I just could not separate them.

The Kracken!

The Kracken! In July I got a sweet octopus and anchor tattooed on my leg. (Photo is from after it was well healed)

Jay-Z and JT

Jay Z and JT at BC Place in July with Katie… loudest concert I have ever been to!

Ringo Bingo

The adorable Ringo in August… yes I adopted him.

PortraitA lovely photo of yours truly by Madison on our way to Tofino in August


Road trip buddies on Long Beach in August. We totally lucked out with the weather!

Okanagan Road Trip

Two day road trip to the Okanagan with Katie! Kelowna, Pentiction, Osoyoos and back!

Color Run

The Color Run at the PNE in September with Madison and Hilary. I found color in places where I did not know it could go. 

Road trip!

The epic road trip. Two girls, two days to Edmonton and back to pick up Madison’s Dog Kodiak.


Donate to the Tour de Rock… get a day with the RMT’s! Cannot wait until Spring!

Killer Whales

Miss Madison moved to Campbell River, so naturally we found whales.


At the beginning of December Heather and I headed to Portland for a few days. This photo accurately sums up the trip, food and shopping. I’ll be back.


So I could not just stop with my octopus tattoo… it has since morphed into a half leg sleeve of ocean themed goodness.

Well, that pretty much sums up the year. Thank you to each and every one of you who are a part of my life. Your love and support means the world to me.

Here’s to 2014, and the adventures that await!

Adventures in the Great White North… or Just Winnipeg. (Pt 2)

So, it’s no secret that I am a weather wuss. I hate the cold.

My family relished in teasing me about the weather, despite the fact that it was ONLY -5 it was still bloody cold to me in Winnipeg. Thank goodness it was not like the last time I was there in the winter when it was -30 then -45 with the windchill. I would have come back a Becky-cicle again!

Here is some more photos from my trip!

The Family

For those that may be curious… here’s my dad’s side of the family. (Aka The Knight Clan) Grandma, Grandpa, 8 Children, 18 Grandchildren, and 3 Great-Grandchildren! Yowza! 

Go Scotty!

Go Falcons! We went twice to go and see my cousin Scott play hockey. It was like watching the NHL in slow mo, but with bad passing and way more falling down.

Canadian Pastime

Could I be more Canadian?… Watching hockey and drinking Tim Hortons!

Go #2!Go Scotty! (He’s #2 in white)

Hahaha Apparently the people at Tim Hortons did not like my brother… (This is probably one of my favorite pictures from the trip, every time I see it I break out into giggles)

Mmm.. KelbassaThere is nothing like fried Kelbassa on a Sunday morning… mmm garlic sausage. (Sometimes I swear we eat it just to drive my mom nuts…)

Red Top

Nothing like diner food for lunch! We went to the legendary Red Top Diner where my dad even remembers going as a kid. Delish!

The Perimiter

Ahh, the bumpity-bumps of driving on the Perimeter highway. Such a smart idea, they have a highway going around the entire city, so if you’re just traveling through you do not have to go in the city. Plus it makes it much easier to get around, and outside of the city. 

Mmm Cake

A large part of the reason why we were there, Happy Birthday Gramps!

The Family.

The Family! Dad, Josh, Danielle, Me, Mom & Gramps!

Till next time Winnipeg… (And hopefully in the summer!)

Adventures in the Great White North… or Just Winnipeg. (Pt 1)

Well, it was time to make migration back to the ‘motherland’… otherwise known as Winnipeg. (Or Winterpeg as some folks like to call it)

My Grandfather, Fred Knight, turned 90 on February 9th 2013.

A impressive feat for anyone to reach, even more impressive in my family considering I lost all my other grandparents more than 15 years ago.

My dad, mother, brother and sister in law all bundled up and took the trip back east to spend time with our family, and celebrate my grandpa’s wonderful life.

Here are some photos of my adventures in, around and getting to the ‘Peg:


Moving walkways are always a favorite… I had plenty of time to kill at YVR so walked around and rode the moving walkways. 


Waiting to board with Westjet. Sunset at YVR.


Landing in Winnipeg… I did not even get off the plane and I was cold already! Brr


All bundled up on the first day. My family kept mocking me for wearing my gigantic (non) fur hat. Hey, it was warm!

The Forks

The Forks! Where the Red River and the Assiniboine River meet!

Winter Park

Heading to the Winter Park at The Forks.

River Walk

Ice skating, curling and hockey all on a frozen river… only in Canada!

They had warming huts, benches, sculptures and fires setup all along the river walk. A very impressive setup. I cannot believe the river freezes that much! There was trucks on the river, and even a restaurant!

 Ice Trail

 There is currently over 7 kilometers of ice trails on the rivers. That’s one good workout!


My cousin Scott… the cutest little skater EVER! 

River Curling

Curling on the river. (Curlin… Curlin on the river…)


Dad and Josh skating on the river. (I walked on the trail beside the ice, because I cannot skate to save my life)

River Trail

Looking down the Red River, standing right where the rivers meet.

I'm on the River

See! I was there!

Stay tuned for more pictures, I did not want to bore you all in one post!

A Festivus For the Rest-of-us – Christmas 2012 So Far

Christmas this year has been a bit of an odd one.

If you had asked me mid November if I was ready for Christmas I would have said yes… I was almost done my shopping, my work Christmas cards and gifts were ready. Shockingly we even got our Christmas tree the first weekend in December (It also sat outside for two weeks before it went up…)

Then I decided to move, Dad officially announced his retirement, work got busy and I got sick.

My joy in the season faded… so did my prepared-ness for Christmas.

Like everyone else I feel myself struggling to  bring it all together, and keep myself in a merry and festive mood.

I love Christmas, do not get me wrong… I just need a festive kick in the pants to get me through these next few days.

In the meantime, I thought I would share some photos that I have taken over the past few weeks in preparation for Christmas!

Knight Family Tree

This is my fathers idea of a good Christmas tree…

Cutting Down The Tree

This is my idea of a Christmas tree…

Wouldn't fit in the trunk!

Whoops… our tree was so big and fluffy tonneau cover on the truck would not close!

This year we did head out to Go-G0’s tree farm again to get our Christmas tree! A great Nanaimo tradition! (And a Knight family one too)

Work Tree

My Work Christmas Tree

I think part of the reason why I feel so Christmas-ed out so early is that a lot of my efforts have been spent focusing on getting work ready for Christmas… I am proud to say that everything was up and decorated by the first week of December!

Singing Christmas Tree

Singing Christmas Tree

I went to my first ever singing Christmas Tree this year… Pretty cool. But a bit on the preachy side for me.

2nd Place!

We came in 2nd place! 

Well my decorating efforts were not wasted… I was aiming for number one, but we did come in second place in the Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce Spirit of Christmas business decorating contest. (The darn Grand Hotel beat us… bastards!)

Snow Monsters

Breakfast with Santa – Snowmonsters! Er… I mean Snow Ladies!

Batman Tree

Everybody needs a Batman ornament section on their Christmas tree.


Snow arrived Sunday night… Snow-pocalypse has begun!

Until next Christmas…

Ho-ho-ho he-he-he and a couple of tra-la-la’s

All I want for Christmas

Well… It is that time of year again, Christmastime! One of my favorite times of the year!

I have always been a big fan of Christmas! I think it must be in my blood.

I love everything from the baking, to decorating, to over-indulging on all the delicious food, to spending time with my friends and family.

Another part I love about Christmas is giving. I always love to give gifts. (At any time of the year really) I try to give folks as much home-made stuff as I can, if not I always like to go for funny and useful items.

A few folks have asked me what I would like for Christmas… well here goes:

  • Keurig Coffee maker (That one is for Santa)
  • Keurig Coffee (I like dark roast) – Tea – Hot Chocolate
  • The Dark Knight Rises (On DVD)
  • Grey’s Anatomy – Seasons 7 and 8
  • Cat Related items (you can use your imagination here… I am a crazy cat lady afterall)
  • Scrapbooking/Card making stuff
  • Household Items – (Since I am moving out in January) I do not really need that much just the odd thing here and there, gift cards work wonders too!

But lets be honest… It is not the gift that matters it is the thought that counts. I am just as happy to spend time with you, or have it be something that you made. You are gift enough to me. (It sounds corny but it is true! Spending time with friends and family is what Christmas is really all about to me!)